Writing life

Another re-post during my mini-vacation. I spent last week participating in the Humber School for Writers Summer Workshop. The writers in my group agreed: Writing is a tough slog. But then, so is life in general! I might as well spend some of it writing and occasionally stumbling into moments of bliss.

At a gathering of our local branch of the Canadian Authors Association, we writers shared words to describe the writing experience.

Words for writing and life

Terror, right above Bliss. 

Mystical right in the middle of everything.

Fun not far away.

Elusive, more than once.

Tranquility and Solace.

Hard work, Glass Wall, Escape.

Mindblowing, Universal, Wonder. 

Our word cloud described the writing experience, and life in general.

6 thoughts on “Writing life

  1. marianbeaman

    A writers’ workshop would be the perfect pick-me-up this summer, especially in a cool place, and without the need to wear masks.

    Enjoy your break and stay hale and hearty, Arlene! 🙂

    1. Arlene Somerton Smith Post author

      Yes, they did the workshop online this year. I was in my air-conditioned home and without a mask! It is never quite the same as an in-person event where you get to meet and mingle after sessions, but it was still a beneficial experience.

  2. Sheryl

    It’s fun to see the words used to describe the writing experience. To me, revision and editing is also a key part of the writing experience, and I want to add a few words about that – though I’m not coming up with any very elegant words.

    1. Arlene Somerton Smith Post author

      Yes, for sure. It’s interesting that most of the words focused on the creative side of writing – the first step – and not the refining of the work, which is even more important, I think. Good addition.

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